白名單私人認購: 2022年3月8日
公開發售: 2022年3月10日
Historical Architecture re-created in the digital metaverse.
What if….
Historical architectures demolished from the city’s landscape get to relive their moments?
A perpetual existence in the boundless blockchain horizons.
World’s first NFT fundraiser for the research and conservation of built heritage.
Whitelist Private Sale: 8 March 2022
Public Sale: 10 March 2022

(un)lost architecture 是一個NFT計劃,旨在以數碼化的方式,將已經消失的歷史建築重現於世。所得收益,將會運用到關於香港歷史建築的研究和保育。
(un)lost architecture is an NFT project that re-creates demolished historical architectures in the virtual world. Proceeds will fund research and conservation of historical architectures in Hong Kong.
Thanks to the birth of metaverse, architectures that are otherwise gone from our sight can be navigated in the virtual world. Their timeless existences are restored in the blockchain universe for the public to view, appreciate, study and remember. Our understanding of historical architectures will be redefined to engender another dimension of spatial memory.
The first batch of Lost Architecture series consists of five NFTs which will be released in March 2022.
第一批將會推出五個舊建築的NFTs,分成Standard Version和Premium Version,以不同的數量和定價發行。每個NFT的內容包括一個3D model、JPG圖檔和數碼影像檔案。Premium Version的NFT,將會附送PLA立體打印模型,以及高解像度的JPG圖檔和數碼影像檔案,可以於Samsung Art TV等類似技術,作為藝術品展示。有關售價、發行量、銷售平台、發行貨幣、及區塊鏈等細節,將會在2022年Q1公布
在賣出50% 之後,會於2022年中至年底,加推AR擴充實景的應用,讓用家可以親身到已經消失的建築物的所在地,將舊建築重現,提升擁有該建築物的NFT的用家體驗。整個項目扣除制作成本後,餘額會用作歷史建築的研究和保育工作之上。
The NFTs of the five buildings will be issued in Standard Version and Premium Version, and dropped at various quantities and prices depending on their rarity. Each NFT comes with a 3D model, a JPG, and a video file. Premium Version NFT will include a complementary 3D-printed model (PLA), a high-resolution JPG and video file, which can be displayed with Samsung Art TV or other similar displays for digital artworks. Further details about the prices, quantities, marketplace, cryptocurrency and blockchain of the project will be announced in the first quarter of 2022.
After the sales have reached 50%, the development of Augmented Reality (AR) features will be initiated (target fulfilment: mid-late 2022). It will enable buyers to “see” the architecture on location to enhance the experience. Net proceeds after deducting costs and expenses will fund research and conservation projects of historical architectures in Hong Kong.
Sales Arrangements
Sales Site: https://opensea.io/collection/unlostarchitecture1
Ethereum/Polygon Chain
*** Private Sale ***
6-9 March 2022
(Please email [email protected] or
Instagram DM @hkarchitecturalhistory
for Whitelisting Quotas)
*** Public Sale ***
10 March 2022
每個Standard Version 和Premium Version NFT的內容包括:
– 數碼立體模型
– 3D打印.stl檔
– 高解像度渲染圖(適用於Instagram或Facebook Post)
– 45秒長Instagram/Facebook Post電腦渲染圖短片
– 15秒長Instagram/Facebook Story電腦渲染圖短片
– 以Patron身份加入以保育香港建築為使命的網上群體
Standard Version NFT 特別附送
– 25cm x 25cm高解像度數碼印刷(不連框)
***Premium Version 額外內容***
– 3D打印模型(PLA物料)
– UHD 4K解像度數碼藝術圖檔(適用於UHD/4K 16:9 電視、顯示器、或數碼畫框)
– 3分鐘長可循環播放UHD 4K解像度影片(適用於UHD/4K 16:9 電視、顯示器、或數碼畫框)
All Standard Version and Premium Version NFTs includes:
– 3D digital model
– .STL file for 3D-print (for private use only)
– High-res digital artwork with rendered image (optimised for mobile devices and social media)
– 45 second High-res short video with rendered images (optimised for instagram and facebook posts)
– 15 second High-res short video with rendered images (optimised for instagram and facebook stories)
– Join as Patrons of an exclusive on-line community on conservation of built heritage in Hong Kong
Complementary item for Standard Version NFTs
– high-quality print for physical display (25x25cm, frames not included)
***Exclusive contents for Premium Version NFTs***
– Complementary 3D-print model (PLA material)
– UHD 4K digital artwork with rendered image (optimised for UHD/4K 16:9 monitors, digital frames or TV)
– UHD 4K loop-able 3-minute video with Rendered Animation
(optimised for UHD/4K 16:9 monitors, digital frames or TV)
High-res digital artwork with rendered image, optimised for Instagram posts and stories.
(Available for all Standard and Premium Version NFTs)

Complementary high-quality print for physical display (25x25mm, frames not included)
(Available for all Standard Version NFTs)

** Exclusive Content for Premium Version NFTs **
Sample of UHD 4K loop-able 3-minute video
*** Exclusive Content for Premium Version NFTs ***
Sample of UHD 4K digital artwork with rendered image

*** Exclusive Content for Premium Version NFTs ***
Complementary 3D-printed model in PLA material
(image coming soon)
Selection of Buildings
Building 1/5
聖若瑟書院 (舊德國會大樓)
St. Joseph’s College (Club Germania)
1902 – 1962

Building 2/5
Edinburgh Place Star Ferry Pier
1957 – 2006

Building 3/5
郵政總局 (第三代)
General Post Office, Third Generation
1911 – 1976

Building 4/5
皇后碼頭 (第二代)
Queen’s Pier, Second Generation
1954 – 2007

Building 5/5
The Peak Tower
1972 – 1993

Price of all Standard Version NFT – 0.5eth each
Price of Premium Version NFTs:
愛丁堡廣場天星碼頭 Edinburgh Place Star Ferry Pier – 2eth
郵政總局 (第三代) General Post Office, Third Generation – 3eth
皇后碼頭 (第二代) Queen’s Pier, Second Generation – 2eth
contact us:
[email protected]
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